
Nineteen. :)
I ♥ Surprises!



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Saturday, April 16, 2011,

Hopefully, I'll get to meet Epul tomorrow, if not, really soon please. Miss him too much already. Tsk. )':

1:35 AM

Tuesday, April 12, 2011,


I've nothing much to update recently. That's the reason for a week's absence.

Anyway, I've just ended a heart-to-heart talk with Epul, had to end early cause he's working morning shift later and he has a looooooooottt of things to do.

Oh yes, back to the talk. Hearing what he said and explaining to me about his thoughts and feelings seriously brought tears to my eyes just now. It was purely sincere and I know that he meant what he had said.

Alhamdulillah for everything that has happened. And yes, I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason. (; And when things don't go the way you want it to be, fret not, God has better plans for you. Believe it. (:

12:50 AM

Sunday, April 03, 2011,


I'm back from the John Little Mega Expo Sale. Wow. It was madness there. Everything is cheap, especially La Senza and Triumph lingerie! And ohh, Pedro and Charles and Keith shoes too! Tried to resist my temptation to buy the pretty Pedro heels. But I failed. Hahah. And I bought it at the end. 30 bucks! Great deal! Spent 4 - 5 hours there. (;

After that, had late lunch/dinner at Simpang Bedok. Wanted to eat steak but decided to change my taste. And I tried the Foul Mesdames. Not bad. Except that the bread is tough as it wasn't reheated. -.- Talked nonsense with Hafizah while eating. And yes, it was really pure nonsense. HAHHA. (hint: pim) hahaha.

And the nonsense just got worst inside 858. REALLY. Laughed till I cried so bad. (Spot me~~~ inside joke)

Reached home and facetime with Epul for a short while. Hehe. He looks sooooo good in the uniform and I really love to see him in it. Oh wells, fetish right? What can I do? Hehe. :p

Can't wait for Monday! Gonna meet Epul and accompany him to do his work! (;

2:15 AM

Thursday, March 31, 2011,

Hiiiiii! Whoaaa! How long have I not been updating my blog? *counting...* 3 solid monthssss! So what's upppp?

First and foremost, school's over for me. Heh. Like finally. 3 solid years passed by just like that. It's real fast, y'knw. Okay, you might not believe this, but IF I can, I would want to go back to my year one, really. And do a little adjustments from there. But oh wells, it's 2011 now and I've graduated. And what's the plan now? Tried applying for uni but unsure if I'm able to get in. But then, no harm trying! Heh. Sooooooo, while waiting for the news, I'm currently looking for a temporary job. Shall send my resume to the respective companies tmr.

Speaking of which, I've sent numerous resumes to different companies. But those are for full-time jobs. But since now I've made up my mind to wait for uni news before making any decision, I'm applying for temporary/contract ones now. (: And I've been thinking about relief teaching lately. Should I try? It is one of my dreams to be a teacher when I was young though. Haha. But thennnn, what if the students won't listen to me? Or what if I'm unable to conduct classes just because I don't like to speak in front of a dozen of people? Or maybe I should try tuition? Haha. And like that, the pressure's on me though, cause of parent's expectation etc etc. Tsk. Decisions...decisions...

And now that I'm not working yet, I don't know what I should do when I'm home. Too much free time till I don't know what else to do. I'm very restless at home. Guess I'm not the homey person.

OHH! This one I must updateee! I HAVE MET EPUL'S MOM IN PERSONNNN! (; Hehehhe. It was an impromptu one, though. Hopefully, I've made a good impression. (;

10:19 PM

Saturday, November 20, 2010,

Anyway, these are some of the few CHEEEEESEEEEY messages that I've exchanged with him. Hahaha. Like really please. Haha. All started from meeee. :)

Hahaha. And I ♥ the semot thing cause it's extremely cuteeeee pleaseeeeee. Haha.

9:08 PM

Sunday, November 14, 2010,

And ohh, when I passed my TP on the 27th September, only god knows how excited and happy I am that I was contemplating whether or not to tell you the news. I had to resist the strong urge of sharing with you the good news and share the joy together with me. But I knew if I were to break the news to you back then, the surprise and all the hush hush about me keeping everything from you would all be wasted. Heh heh heh. Suke laaaa to seee your reaction! Haha! Damn cute pleaseeeee! ;)

9:43 PM

Saturday, November 13, 2010,

Helllloooo. :)

Finally managed to find time to bloggg. :) Anyway, as I've said in the previous post that Epul's birthday surprise is a HUGE SUCCESS. I don't even know where to start! Haha. I'm so full of excitement to blog about it. Okay, so actually, I've planned his birthday waaaaaaaaay before, like 7 months before his birthday? I SECRETLY enrolled myself in SSDC, taking Class 3. But with Arinah accompanying me for the enrollment cause I knew nothing at all. Thanks Nah! ♥

And soooo, my BTT's on 30th April. Can't do much before that cause I'll need to pass the BTT before I can apply for PDL and only after that I'll be able to go for practical sessions. And alhamdulillah, I passed. :) After that, went for practical sessions back-to-back, all the way till September, just before puase, and completed my FTT as well. And I went for my 4h practical revision just before my TP, on the 27th September. And alhamdulillah, my aim to get my licence before his birthday has been accomplished. :)

I still remember that I went for back-to-back practical sessions back then. Like say, school's start at 12pm, I'll go for the morning session which starts at 8.15am, and will end at 10.15am, and then make my way to school. When school's end at 2pm, I'll rush back to SSDC for my evening session. And I still remember that I'll ONLY book my practical sessions on the day that he's working. HAHA. Like when he's on morning shift, he'll usually end around 8++pm, and then I'll secretly go for the evening session, which is PEAK session and whereby the fee for that session is enough to pay for my handphone bills. It will start at 5.55pm and will end at 7.55pm and then after that, I'll made my way to Khatib to wait for him to end work. :) And if he's on the night shift, I remember telling him that I'll go home late from school as I've got projects to complete, whereas I'm actually going for the evening session. Heh heh heh. >:) But actually, it's somewhat true, cause I really had projects that need to be rushed out back then and I'll stay to complete my part before rushing to SSDC. Sooo, it wasn't really a complete lie. It's more of a white lie. Heh.

And ohh, I remember I had 2 minor accidents at SSDC. Hahaha. Nobody was injured. :) And Beee, I wanted to tell you about this on the 6th of Nov but it totally slipped my mind cause I was so freaaaaaaaaaaking excited and nervous to see your reaction when you knew that I rented a car. :)

And I'll also remember that I didn't allow him to see my wallet cause ALL of the SSDC receipts were in there, and I can't risk to break the surprise. Heh. Now you know why I can't let you see my wallet back then, Beee. ;)

Honestly Beee, it was very very hard for me to keep this from you, cause I'm used to telling you everything, even the smallest issue. And you being a police officer, of course you had your own way to ask questions so that I'll indirectly leak out the surprise. But thaaaaank god, I didn't leak out ANYTHING. :D

And on the 5th of Nov, dear Arinah accompanied me to take the car that I've rented from Dhoby Ghaut. Since it's my first time being in the driver's seat, I had to have someone to accompany me for navigations. Heh. And something happened on that day. I was soooo freaking excited to drive that I TOTALLY forgot that the fuel's only left with 10%. Both of us were soooo excited that we drove around town for a while before deciding to grab a bite at Tampines. It was only at the expressway that I saw the fuel's meter is close to 'E'. I was panicking like hell and the whole atmosphere change, from being excited and cheers to silence and breaking out in cold sweat. HAHAHA. Cause I was worried sick that we couldn't get to the petrol station on time, and then we would be left stranded on the expressway. Now I know how Arinah felt when her car's almost out of petrol. I shared the same fate as her. Haha.

After that, Arinah wanted to take her nieces and nephews out for a ride to Woodlands Waterfront. Soooo, we went to fetch them from Woodlands and made our way to Woodlands Waterfront. And I remembered that I stopped by Beee's block to practise parking my car, for the next day. Hehehehe. And when we were at Woodlands Waterfront, I got into a tiff with this EXTREMELY SELFISH AUNTY. I don't know what's gotten into me that I had the courage to express my unsatisfaction towards her. It was probably because I was having that time of the month that somehow, my temper got a little short. It was something about being considerate. Ahhh, whatever. AND ALL THESE HAPPENED WHEN BEEE'S AT HOME SLEEPING, CAUSE HE JUST ENDED HIS NIGHT SHIFT AT 7.30AM. ;)


His birthday falls on the 31st October but he had to work on that day, so we celebrated on the 6th Nov. Just the day before the 6th, we were on the phone till 3++am, cause I was so VERY VERY excited for the next day that I can't bring myself to sleep. The plan was to meet at 12.30pm and I woke up at 9am cause I figured out that I'll take an extremely loooooooong time to get ready since it's a special day. And when he woke up, he called me up to tell me to meet at Sembawang, but I insisted that I wanna meet him at his void-deck.

Soooo, I got ready and only able to reach his void-deck at 1+pm, cause I had some errands to run. And I wore dress and heeeeeels! :D hahah. And I walked terkedek-kedek to his void-deck. Hahaha. And he had to dig out his closet, just so that he can wear blue, to match with me! AWWWWW. :D ♥♥♥

He wanted to drop by his friend's house cause he's getting married on that day. Then when he walked passed my car, I asked, "Nak pergi mane? Sini laaa, naik krete." By this time, my voice and hands were already trembling, cause I was sooooo very very freaking nervouuuuuuus. Hahaha. He replied, "Huh? Krete? Krete sape?" I said, "Krete I laaa beeeeee." He said, "Krete u? U main-main ke ape?" I said, "Tak laaaaa. Then if I main-main, ni kunci krete sapeeeee." He said, "Huh? Then sape drive sini?" I said, "I laaa drive. I got my licence already." He said, "Kurangasam nye budaaaak! Tak bilang pun dpt licence!" I said, "Hahahah! SORRY and SURPRISEEEE!" Hahaahhahaha. Omg, seeing at his face in disbelief made it allllll worth it. :D

And when inside the car, I asked, "Asal u diam? Are u still in shock?" He said, "A'ah laaa. I adelah ingatkan u sewa krete for me to drive. Then tadi I dah terpikir pikir jantan mane yang hantar u datang sini." Hahahahahhahah. Then we drop by his friend's house for a while before going to Vivocity. And he was the one that helped me with the navigations. And I remembered I accidentally lost my temper with him, when he accidentally gave me the wrong directions. Heh. Sorry Beee. :(

And when we reached Vivo, he helped me with the parking cause I don't quite have the confidence yet, with regards to parking. Watched movie, ate Secret Recipe and I wanted to go to this place BUT at Vivo's outlet, it doesn't have that service. :( Grrrrr, plan spoiled. And I wanted to go to Labrador Park to give his 2nd surprise but it RAINED. And soooo, plan lagi SPOIIIIL. :(

And thank you Beee for taking over me in the driver's seat, cause the traffic from Vivo back to Woodlands was madness. I think if it was me at the driver's seat, I'll break out in cold sweat. Really.

LOVE. ♥♥♥

LOVEEE the hair and kening to the MAXXXX! ♥♥♥

He and his Plants vs Zombies.

So you seeeee, the plan was for me to light up the candles but unfortunately, it drizzled. Soooooo, again, plan SPOILED. :( Anyway, I got for him Renoma trunks and Lacoste shoes! Heh. Hope you liked them! :D

And these are some of the few pictures that I had with the car. And ohh, on Sunday night, just before I returned the car on Monday morning, I went out to fill up the fuel tank and I was able to park all by myself. :D Heh heh heh. >:)

And as you can see, my seat's almost to the front. Haha. Can't reach. Heh.

Monday morning, just before returning the car. :(

And Beee, I'm sorry for keeping everything from you. I had to do it for the surprise's sake. :( And also, I'm sorry that the day didn't go exactly as planned. But still, we had fun, right? Love you. ♥ And I hope you like the presents. :D

7:28 PM